Saturday, April 11, 2009

Episode #04 Uploading...

Hi All!

I just finished editing the latest Uketopia episode. I had to do a little clean up work on some of the previous ones, but I believe I've got my metadata in order now! I apologize if you have any issues with the downloading the previous ones, but it should be in working order.

Open Mic: We'll be reviewing the Jake Shimabukuro concert that we had the opportunity to attend in Idaho Falls just the other weekend! What an awesome experience that was!

The Strum: Demo of the Oscar Schmidt OU2 - a fun mahogany concert uke

*New Segment* Tips & Tricks with Tamilisa: Listeners ask the questions, Tamilisa has the answers! Email us if you have any uke questions:

-- Remember a few episodes back when we chatted with Amanda Bush the opera star? She gave me a phone call the other week and said, "Emily, ukulele has made it to opera!" She was at an opera performance and noticed in the orchestra someone playing the ukulele! Hooray, the uke has made it's way into opera!

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